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  • How to Evaluate a Genealogy Record
    It's important to ensure that the sources you use for your family tree research are high-quality and reliable. In this post, learn the steps you should take to evaluate your records.
  • Experimental Full-Text Search on Family Search - What Can You Discover?
    Have you tried out the Experimental Full-Text Search on Family Search? In this post, find out what you might be able to discover about your ancestors from using this free tool.
  • What Can You Learn From Passenger Lists?
    Are you wondering what kind of information you can learn through passenger lists where your ancestor is named? In this post, discover how to use these valuable genealogical records to find new details about your ancestor’s life.
  • Is It Possible to Not Have Any DNA Matches From an Ancestor?
    If you have spent some time analyzing your DNA match list, you might wonder if it is possible to have no DNA matches from an ancestor who you know is in your family tree. In this post, learn whether this is possible and how it could happen.
  • How to Plan a Family Reunion
    Are you thinking about putting together a family reunion, but don't know where to start the planning process? In this post, learn helpful tips for planning a family reunion that everyone will remember for years to come. I spend a lot of my free time working on my family tree, which usually means I am …
  • Why Did Our Ancestors Have Strange Names?
    Anyone who spends much time researching their family tree will eventually stumble upon family names that cause them to pause and wonder. Here, learn how and why our ancestors sometimes have names that seem strange to us. In this post, I'll tell you some examples of some "crazy" names in my own family tree, and …
  • Learn About the MyHeritage Ethnicity Estimate v2.5 Update
    Do you want to learn more about the most recent MyHeritage ethnicity estimate update? In this post, you will find out everything you need to know about the v2.5 update of your DNA results.
  • How to Easily Add a DNA Match to Your Tree on Ancestry
    Did you know that there is a way to automatically add a DNA match to your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find and use this helpful tool! This tool, called the "Add DNA Match to Tree" tool, is a feature that launched around the beginning of 2025. Anyone with an …
  • The 1921 Census of England and Wales on Ancestry: About the Collection
    Did you know that the 1921 Census of England and Wales is available on Ancestry? In this post, you will find information about the background of this census, what you can learn from these records, and how to access them on the Ancestry site. If you had ancestors living in England or Wales in the …
  • Who Should You Add To Your Family Tree?
    Have you ever thought about who should or shouldn't be added to your family tree? In this post, I'll discuss what you should consider before adding someone to your tree.
  • Where to Find Genealogy Records for Poland
    If you have ancestors from Poland and you are looking for the best places to find records online, this article is for you. In this post, learn the top places to search for Polish genealogy records and tips for using the databases. Two of my great-grandparents came to the United States from Poland in the …
  • How to Use the Gedmatch Segment Search
    Do you want to know how to use the Gedmatch Matching Segment Search tool? Learn how this tool can help you learn more about your DNA and family tree.
  • Extended Family vs. Distant Family Explained
    Do you want to know the difference between extended and distant family members? In this, post, learn which of your relatives are in each group, and in which circumstances the definition can be flexible.
  • How To Find Out Your Ancestor's Occupation
    Do you want to know what your ancestor's occupation was? In this post, you will find nine different ideas for places to look for the information you need.
  • How Many Generations Back is 40% DNA?
    Did you get more than 40% matching a single region on your DNA results? In this post, learn how many generations back this is, as well as everything you need to know to find the ancestor who passed this down to you.
  • All About the Ancestry Update of 2024
    Did you know that your Ancestry DNA results were updated in October, 2024? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Ancestry's biggest update yet to our DNA results.
  • How To Use Ancestry Enhanced DNA Matches
    Have you seen the Ancestry Enhanced DNA Matches feature? In this post, learn how to use it and what you can discover through using this tool.
  • What Are Ancestry Pro Tools?
    Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, you will learn what these tools are and how you can best use them to help with your family tree and DNA match research.
  • How To Link Your Family Tree DNA Results to your MyHeritage Tree
    Do you want to learn how to connect your Family Tree DNA results to a family tree? In this post, find a quick tutorial on exactly how to do this.
  • Why Your Closest Relatives Don't Show Up on Your DNA Match List
    Are you wondering why your closest relatives don't show up on your list of DNA matches? In this post, find out all the reasons why this can happen.
  • Why Can't You Build a Family Tree on FTDNA Anymore?
    If you have tested with or uploaded your DNA to Family Tree DNA, and have a family tree on that site, then you will definitely want to read this post. You will learn about an important change that happened in 2024 and the collaboration between FTDNA and MyHeritage.
  • 9 Ways to Connect With the Culture of Your Ancestors
    Are you interested in putting your knowledge of your family history to use to connect with your ancestors' culture? In this post, find several ways to expand your connection with the cultures your ancestors called their own. If you have read other articles on my website, then you know that most of the information on …
  • How To Use Census Records For Genealogy
    Census records can be excellent sources for genealogy research. In this post, learn how you can use these records to learn about your ancestors. Census records are some of my favorite types of genealogy records. This is because when you can locate your family's census records, they serve as a "snapshot" taken at regular intervals …
  • How to Know if Your DNA Match is a Full or Half Cousin
    Did your first cousin take a DNA test? In this post, learn how to know if your cousin is a full or half-first cousin to you. Knowing whether your cousin is a full or half-cousin can be important in your genealogy research. For example, if your cousin is a half-cousin, you can use your shared …
  • How to Find Immigration Records From the 1800s
    Are you interested in finding immigration records for your ancestor from the 1800s? In this post, learn what you need to know to find these records, including where to look. If you can find immigration records about your ancestor, it is often a goldmine. These records can help us learn a lot more about our …
  • How Far Back is Your 100% Ancestor from your DNA Results?
    Are you hoping to find the ancestor from whom you inherited a percentage on your DNA ethnicity estimate? In this post, learn how to know how far back your "100% ancestor" might be in your family tree. There are many reasons that people are interested in understanding how many generations back their "100% ancestor" might …
  • Reasons Why You Can't See Ancestry DNA Results
    If you logged into your Ancestry account, yet can't see the DNA results you were expecting to see? In this post, learn the reasons why this might have happened, and what to do about it.
  • Close DNA Match: How to Figure Out Your Relationship
    Do you have a close DNA match with whom you would like to figure out your relationship? In this post, learn some strategies that you can use to find out how you are related to those closer DNA matches. It might seem like it should be very easy to figure out how a close DNA …
  • How to Use Relative Finder with FamilySearch
    Did you know that you can use the free Relative Finder tool to quickly find out how you are related to friends or even famous people? In this post, learn how the tool works and how to get started using it. I first used Relative Finder because my child asked me if I thought we …
  • Y-DNA Included with FTDNA Family Finder Results
    Did you know that genetic males can now learn about their ancient direct-line paternal ancestry on their Family Tree DNA Family Finder results? In this post, find out how to see this information, and more. The Y-DNA haplogroup is now included automatically when you take a new Family Tree DNA Family Finder test. However, if …
  • What is the Furthest Anyone Has Traced Their Ancestry?
    Do you ever wonder how far back the furthest family tree goes? In this post, learn the furthest verified case that anyone has been able to trace their ancestry.
  • How Does Endogamy Affect DNA?
    If you know that you have endogamy in your family tree due to many generations of marriages between cousins, you might want to know how this affects your DNA and matches. In this post, learn more about this topic through examples.
  • Who Owns Your Family Story?
    Have you ever wondered who owns your family story, and which boundaries, if any, should limit your family tree research? In this post, find a discussion about who has the right to tangible and intangible aspects of a family's history. Most people who have dabbled in genealogy know that not everyone in their family loves …
  • Track DNA Matches You Can't Place In Your Tree
    Do you have DNA matches that you can't place in your family tree? In this post, find tips that will show you how to find the extra information you need
  • What Percentage Ethnicity is Significant?
    Do you want to know what percentage ethnicity on your DNA results is considered significant? In this post, we'll discuss the answer to this question - and more.
  • What to Say if a DNA Match Contacts You
    Have you been contacted by a DNA match, but aren't sure how to respond? In this post, find tips and ideas for how to proceed.
  • What Does It Mean If You Share a Paternal Haplogroup?
    Do you share a paternal haplogroup with someone? If you wonder what this means, and if you might be related to this person, this article will answer your questions.
  • What is Negative Evidence in Genealogy?
    Have you heard of negative evidence in genealogy? In this post, learn what this term means, as well as how you can use and document negative evidence in your family tree research. Family tree research can sometimes be difficult. We are searching for records and documents related to people who lived long ago, often without …
  • What Are Ancestry Pro Tools?
    Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, learn more details about this set of features, how much they cost, and how they might help you with your family tree. When I first saw the Pro Tools features, I wasn't sure if they would be something that I could use. Even though I …
  • How to Research Your German Ancestors Without Going to Germany
    Do you wonder if it is possible to research your German ancestors without actually having to go to Germany? In this post, we'll discuss how to research your German ancestors from the comfort of home. Of course, I would love to take a trip to Germany to see where my ancestors lived and maybe do …
  • Is it Possible to Have a DNA Match With No Shared Ethnicity Regions
    What does it mean when you have a DNA match that doesn't share any ethnicity regions with you? In this post, find out how this can happen and what it means.
  • When a DNA Segment is Shared By a Group of People
    Have a situation where multiple DNA matches share the same DNA segment with you? Learn what this means, and what you can learn from this.
  • Will You Lose Your Family Tree If You Cancel Ancestry?
    Do you wonder what will happen to your family tree if you have to take a break from your Ancestry subscription? In this post, find out that answer.
  • Ancestry Ethnicity Update 2023: Summary and Example
    Ancestry DNA released the 2023 Ethnicity Estimate update in September. In this post, learn about how this update is different and what to look for on your own updated DNA results.
  • How To See Who Viewed Your Ancestry Tree
    Have you ever wondered who has seen your Ancestry tree? In this post, learn how to find out who has viewed your tree and reasons why they might have done so.
  • Ancestry Fan View: How To Use It
    Did you know that you can display your Ancestry family tree as a fan chart? In this post, learn how to use the new Ancestry fan view.
  • Why Our Ancestors Came to America
    Have you ever wondered why your ancestors came to America? This article provides the main reasons that our ancestors decided to leave home and build a new life in the United States.
  • Why Did My DNA Match Disappear?
    Have you had a DNA match disappear? In this post, learn the different reasons why this may have happened and what your options are.
  • How To Upload Audio To Ancestry Tree
    Have ever wondered whether you can uploaded and preserve audio files to your Ancestry family tree? Learn how to do it in this post.
  • What is a Descendant?
    Do you want to know what a descendant is, what it means to be a descendant, and who your descendants are? In this post, learn the answers and more.
  • What is Admixture in DNA?
    Have you ever heard the term "admixture" used in reference to DNA? In this post, learn what is meant by admixture in DNA testing.
  • What Are The Mayflower Silver Books?
    Have you heard of the Mayflower Silver Books? In this post, learn about this useful research resource and how you can use it for your own family tree.
  • How Many Ancestors Are In 20 Generations?
    Have you ever wondered how many ancestors are in your family going back 20 generations? In this post, find out the answer, and much more about this topic.
  • What is the Dawes Roll?
    Have you heard of the Dawes Roll? In this post, learn what this list was, who was and wasn't on it, and how you can use this resource to learn about your ancestors.
  • What Are DNA Relatives on 23andMe?
    If you did a 23andMe test, then you almost definitely have DNA Relatives on your results. In this post, learn what this means and how these individuals are related to you.
  • How Many Years Are In A Generation?
    Do you want to learn how many years are in a generation? In this post, find out the answer, and whether the number of years in a generation ever changes.
  • What is DNA Overlap on 23andMe?
    Have you seen the term "DNA Overlap" on your 23andMe DNA match list? In this post, where to find this information, and what it means about your relationship with your DNA relatives.
  • How Many DNA Segments Do Parent and Child Share?
    Have you wondered how many DNA segments parents and their children usually share? In this post, learn the answer and find out why some might share less than usual. If you have a parent or child that has taken a DNA test, or you have a DNA match that might be a parent or child, …
  • How to Search For Obituaries For Free by Name
    Are you interested in finding an obituary for someone? In this post, you will find out how to search for obituaries by name completely for free.
  • How to Search for Members on Ancestry
    Would it be helpful if there was there a way to search for an Ancestry member? With millions of Ancestry members, learn here how to find the right one.
  • What is the England and Northwestern Europe DNA Ethnicity on Ancestry?
    Find out about the England and Northwestern Europe DNA ethnicity in your Ancestry DNA. How you got it, which countries it includes, and more!
  • Finland DNA Region on Ancestry: Ethnicity Explained
    Did you find out that you have Finland in your Ancestry DNA results?  Are you wondering whether this means you have a recent ancestor from the area? 
  • What is the cM Explainer on MyHeritage?
    Have you tried the cM Explainer on MyHeritage? In this post, learn how to find and use this useful DNA analysis tool.
  • Beethoven DNA Discovery - Find Out If You Are Related
    Maybe you've heard that researchers have made big discoveries about Beethoven's DNA. In this post, learn more about what they learned, as well as how to find out if you are related to Beethoven.
  • Create a Custom Group of DNA Matches on Ancestry
    Do you want to know how to create, edit, and delete custom groups on Ancestry? In this post, learn exactly how to do it, as well as how this feature can help you keep your DNA list organized.
  • What is a Family Artifact?
    Have you been thinking about what types of artifacts your family might have? In this post, learn what a family artifact is, and what your family might have that counts as an artifact.
  • What is the Storymaker Studio on Ancestry?
    Have you seen the Storymaker Studio on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find this feature and the basics about how you can use it to tell your family's stories. Family tree research can sometimes be a solo endeavor, and so I love it when there is an opportunity to involve other people in …
  • What is DNA Compare on Ancestry?
    This is a feature that was released in March 2023 that gives us even more insight to the ancestry we share with our friends and relatives.
  • What Was the Immigration Process at Ellis Island Like?
    Have you ever wondered what your ancestors experienced at Ellis Island during their immigration journey to the United States?
  • View Ancestry DNA Matches By Ancestor With ThruLines
    You can view your Ancestry DNA grouped by the ancestor that you share in common. Learn how to do it in this post.
  • What is Genealogy?
    Maybe you have heard of genealogy, but you aren’t quite sure what it is. In this article, learn the definition of genealogy, find examples, and learn how it works.
  • Who is Parent 1 or Parent 2 on Ancestry DNA?
    Do you need help figuring out how Parent 1 and Parent 2 on Ancestry corresponds to your maternal and paternal sides of the family? In this post, find a few easy methods that can help you accomplish this.
  • How to Upload Family Tree to Ancestry
    Did you know that you can upload a family tree from your computer to Ancestry? In this post, learn what you'll need to get started, and exactly how to do it. There are many places to build family trees, both online and in the form of software that you can have on your computer. If …
  • How to See a Map of People Who Are In Your Ancestry Family Tree
    Have you ever wanted to see a map of where all of the people in your Ancestry tree? In this post, learn how you can see where important events in your ancestors' lives occurred on an interactive map.
  • How To Find Ancestors From Ireland
    Do you want to learn more about your Irish ancestors? In this post, find out how to find which of your ancestors were Irish, how to learn about their lives in Ireland - and more. Since the year 1800, about ten million people have left the island of Ireland, including both the country of Ireland …
  • Why Are DNA Results Different With Different Companies?
    Do you have DNA results from more than one company? You have likely noticed that they are different, and in this post you will learn why.
  • What is a GEDCOM?
    Have you ever heard of a GEDCOM? In this post, find out exactly what this is, how they work, how to get one, and more. The first time I heard about a GEDCOM, it sounded pretty high-tech. However, GEDCOMs have been around for a long time - since the early 1980s, in fact. However, not …
  • Are Messages on Ancestry Private?
    Have you ever thought about whether your messages on Ancestry are private? In this post, find out to make sure your communications on Ancestry are private, and more. Ancestry has a really great messaging system that you can access by clicking on the envelope or dialog box at the very top of your Ancestry account. …
  • What is Unassigned on Ancestry DNA Match?
    If you look at your Ancestry DNA match list, you probably see some matches are labeled "Unassigned". In this post, find out exactly what this means.
  • How Many Generations Back Are We All Related?
    The idea that every human is related to every other human is easy enough to understand, in theory. But it leads to the question: how many generations back are we all related?
  • How to Write a Family History
    Are you looking for ideas on how to write a family history? In this post, learn the basic structure of a good family history and how to go about getting started. If you are interested in writing more than just a list or a chart of dates and places, this article is for you. Many …
  • How To Identify The People In Old Photographs?
    Do you have a pile of old photographs of people that you can't identify? In this post, learn how you can figure out who these people are so you can preserve their image for future generations.
  • How Many Generations Back is 1% DNA?
    Did you get 1% matching a region on your DNA results? In this post, learn how many generations back 1% DNA might be in your family tree.
  • Y-DNA Match With Different Surname?
    Do your Y-DNA matches have a different surname than you do? In this post, learn why this happens and how common it is.
  • X DNA Match But No Autosomal?
    What does it mean if you have an X DNA match, but share no autosomal genes? In this post, find out whether these are true genetic relatives, and how to determine your relationship.
  • What Does 100% DNA Match Mean on Ancestry?
    Do you have a 100% DNA match on your Ancestry results? In this post, learn what it means to match someone at 100% and how to understand these results.
  • What is a Wide Family Tree?
    Have you ever heard someone say that you should build a wide family tree? In this post, learn what this type of family tree is, and why you should definitely make yours wide. When most of us first started out in genealogy research, we probably had a main focus of learning who our ancestors were. …
  • What is the Coverage Tool on DNA Painter?
    Have you heard of the Coverage Tool on DNA Painter? If you are a fan of the site, you are definitely going to want to learn about this helpful new feature.
  • Grouping DNA Matches by Parent on Ancestry
    Have you seen the new Parental Matches feature on your Ancestry DNA results?  In this post, find out how to use this useful tool and what you can learn from it.  Up until today, only those Ancestry DNA customers that have been able to have their parents take a DNA test have been able to …
  • Ancestry August 2022 Ethnicity Estimate Update
    Did your Ancestry DNA results get updated in August 2022? If so, you will definitely want to read this in-depth explanation of what changed in our ethnicity estimate results with this latest update. If you are new to AncestryDNA, you might not know that your results will occasionally change as the science and technology improves. …
  • What is Phasing in DNA Results?
    Has anyone ever suggested that you phase your DNA? In this post, learn what phasing is in DNA results, and how you can use this technique to learn more from your DNA matches.
  • Chromosome Browser vs. Ethnicity Painting: What's the Difference?
    Many people find chromosome browsers and ethnicity painting to be mysterious. In this post, learn what these two tools are, and how they are different. These tools are not as mysterious as they seem. As soon as you learn the basics, you will be able to use them to learn even more from your DNA …
  • Is 23andMe More Accurate Than Ancestry?
    Do you want to know if 23andMe is more accurate than Ancestry? For those wanting to choose the best DNA test and learn the most from their results, this is an important question.
  • How Much DNA Comes From Each Parent?
    Do you want to learn about how much DNA comes from each of your parents? In this post, find out how much of your DNA comes from mom and dad, and whether one of them gave you more than the other. Questions like these come up all of the time, especially when a daughter looks …
  • Conflicting Evidence in Genealogy: Examples and Solutions
    What do you do when you find conflicting evidence in your genealogy research? In this post, find examples and solutions for how to proceed when the facts don't seem to match up with each other. Conflicting evidence examples The two most common situations when we see conflicting evidence in genealogy are when we see evidence …
  • How Do You Preserve Old Handwritten Letters?
    Do you want to know the steps to take to preserve old handwritten letters? In this post, learn what you should do to save protect this history for generations to come.
  • Ancestry Chromosome Painter Feature: How to Understand Results
    Do you want to learn how to use and understand the Ancestry Chromosome Painter feature? In this post, find tips for how to get the most from this new tool.
  • What is the Chromosome Painter on Ancestry?
    The AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter feature is an exciting, useful new tool that can help us learn more from our DNA results.  Learn details about how to find and use this feature in this easy-to-read article.
  • What Are DNA Communities on Ancestry?
    Many people who test with Ancestry DNA will receive DNA Communities in their ethnicity estimate. In this post, learn how to understand the communities that show up on your results.
  • What is a Genetic Family Tree?
    Did you know that a genetic family tree isn't the same as your regular family tree? In this post, learn the definition of a genetic family tree, and more. You will also find out: Plus, you'll also find out whether or not all of your living relatives and ancestors are on your genetic tree. Exactly …

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