What Are Ancestry Pro Tools?
Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, you will learn what these tools are and how you can best use them to help with your family tree and DNA match research.
Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, you will learn what these tools are and how you can best use them to help with your family tree and DNA match research.
Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, learn more details about this set of features, how much they cost, and how they might help you with your family tree. When I first saw the Pro Tools features, I wasn't sure if they would be something that I could use. Even though I …
Do you wonder what will happen to your family tree if you have to take a break from your Ancestry subscription? In this post, find out that answer.
Have you ever wondered who has seen your Ancestry tree? In this post, learn how to find out who has viewed your tree and reasons why they might have done so.
Did you know that you can display your Ancestry family tree as a fan chart? In this post, learn how to use the new Ancestry fan view.
Have ever wondered whether you can uploaded and preserve audio files to your Ancestry family tree? Learn how to do it in this post.
Would it be helpful if there was there a way to search for an Ancestry member? With millions of Ancestry members, learn here how to find the right one.
Have you seen the Storymaker Studio on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find this feature and the basics about how you can use it to tell your family's stories. Family tree research can sometimes be a solo endeavor, and so I love it when there is an opportunity to involve other people in …
Did you know that you can upload a family tree from your computer to Ancestry? In this post, learn what you'll need to get started, and exactly how to do it. There are many places to build family trees, both online and in the form of software that you can have on your computer. If …
Have you ever wanted to see a map of where all of the people in your Ancestry tree? In this post, learn how you can see where important events in your ancestors' lives occurred on an interactive map.
Have you ever thought about whether your messages on Ancestry are private? In this post, find out to make sure your communications on Ancestry are private, and more. Ancestry has a really great messaging system that you can access by clicking on the envelope or dialog box at the very top of your Ancestry account. …
Heard of the Ancestry Stories feature? This tool allows you to create custom stories about your ancestors to add to your family tree and share with relatives.
If you have spent time researching and building your family tree on Ancestry, it is time to make sure you don't lose your work. In this post, learn different ways to backup your Ancestry family tree and protect your research. Do you spend an hour a day, or a few hours a few days a …
Do you want to learn how to delete someone from your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, find the steps you need to take and what to look out for when you remove a profile from your tree.
Do you want to learn all about Ancestry Public Member Trees? In this post, find out when you can see them, when you can't, and how to search them.
In this post, I'll show you the easiest way to share Ancestry DNA results with friends or family, as well as make changes to your DNA Results Sharing list.
There are tons of great records and documents on Ancestry. Here, find the best tips and tricks for doing a search on Ancestry to help you get what you need.
Have you noticed the DNA Discoveries on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find them, what they are, and how they can help you learn about your ancestors.
Do you want to know how to use Ancestry without a subscription? How much can you do on Ancestry for free? Here, learn the answer to these questions!
Do you want to know if the trees that you build on Ancestry are private? In this post, find out who can see your tree - and more!
Did you know you can link DNA matches to your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, learn how and why you should take advantage of this new feature. ==
Do you want to know how to transfer your family tree from Ancestry to GEDCOM format? Here, you'll learn exactly how to do it, and why everyone should.
Have you ever saved a record on Ancestry for later? Here, learn how to find your Shoebox on Ancestry, as well as how to save and delete records.
Do you want to know if you can export a family tree from Ancestry? Want a step-by-step guide for how to do it? Learn how to download your Ancestry tree!
What does "DNA Verified" mean on someone's tree? Why do people use this? Where to get this graphic? I answer all this, and more.
Are you wondering what you can see on Ancestry DNA without paying a monthly subscription?
I always recommend to my readers that they do a DNA test with Ancestry and build their tree there, too. There is no better place to combine access to documents and records, public family trees, and more than six million (as of February 2018) DNA test takers. One of the coolest features of Ancestry DNA …
Do you want to know how to download your DNA file from Ancestry? It's easy to do, and in this post, you'll find the steps for how to do it.
If you share your tree with someone, will they be able to see everything that you have added to your tree, even if they don't have a subscription? Find out!
Shared Ancestor Hints on Ancestry DNA are a great way to find out how you are related to your DNA matches, and can even help you continue to build your family tree. In this article, I will help you understand what these hints mean and how you can use them to help you in your …
Do you want to know how to change your Ancestry DNA test settings? In this post, learn how to adjust settings for privacy, sharing, family tree - and more! If you've done your Ancestry DNA test, you might be interested in learning about the different options available to you on your test settings page. Believe …
In order to get the best results from your Ancestry DNA results, you should consider attaching your DNA to your family tree on Ancestry. In this post, I'll explain how to quickly attach DNA to an Ancestry tree. Even if your tree isn't completely finished, or even if you only have a few people in …
It's always a good idea to build a basic family tree, and it's an especially good idea if you have already done a DNA test (like the one from Ancestry DNA). You can get so much more from your DNA results if you have a family tree and you can get much more from your …
In this post, you will learn how to share your family tree on Ancestry. I'll teach you two different ways to do it, so you can choose the best one for your situation. Are you trying to decide whether to go through the steps of building your family tree on Ancestry? Or maybe you already …
In the first post about how to understand your Ancestry DNA results, I discussed how to understand your ethnicity results. In this post, we will talk about the really, super cool part: finding new family members and tracing your family tree. DNA matches are my favorite part of my DNA results. I love my DNA …
I'll go through an example here of Ancestry DNA results to show you how to understand them a little better. Also, if you haven't tested and you want to see what you might get if you do test, this might help nudge you off the fence. DNA testing has been amazing experience for me, and …