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Identical by State or Coincidentally Identical DNA Segments

Did you know that it's possible to have a DNA match that is not really related to you?  When this happens, the DNA match is called "identical-by-state", which means that the DNA segment that you share was not inherited from a common ancestor and instead is just coincidentally identical.  There is a big difference between …

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Genetic Groups on MyHeritage Explained

Did you get a Genetic Group on MyHeritage DNA? In this post, learn what it means to get assigned to one of the 2,114 available Genetic Groups, and how to use this information. The Genetic Group feature on MyHeritage DNA is an exciting new development for those who have tested with the site. This feature …

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What is Indigenous Americas - Yucatan Peninsula on Ancestry?

Did you get Indigenous Americas - Yucatan Peninsula on your Ancestry DNA results? This region is one of 87 Mexican regions and sub-regions currently available on Ancestry results. In this post, learn more about this fascinating region and its people, as well as: The Yucatan Peninsula has a long, fascinating history. Central to the story …

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Why Does My Ancestry DNA Not Show My Native American Heritage?

Did your Ancestry DNA not show Native American heritage in your results? In this post, learn the reasons why your Native American roots might not have shown up on your Ancestry results. We know how the saying goes: "DNA doesn't lie". But what does it mean when you know for sure that you have Native …

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What Does It Mean If You Have 1% Native American DNA?

Did you get 1% Native American DNA on your DNA results? What does it mean? In this post, learn what it means to find 1% of your DNA matches this region. The ethnicity estimate is one of the most popular reasons for DNA testing. Many people want to explore their ancestry, and believe that they …

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How to Use Ancestry DNA Without Taking a Test

Is it possible to use Ancestry DNA without taking a test? In this post, learn how to use Ancestry DNA to access the results of family members that have given you access. If you have not done an Ancestry DNA test, yet have family members who have, you might wonder if it's possible for you …

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Why Did Your 23andMe Results Change?

Did your 23andMe results change? In this post, find out details about the latest 23andMe update and why your results might occasionally change. While it's exciting to see our Ancestry Composition Report change, it can be slightly disconcerting. Why is it changing, and does it mean the previous results were wrong? 23andMe likes to describe …

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