View Ancestry DNA Matches By Ancestor With ThruLines
You can view your Ancestry DNA grouped by the ancestor that you share in common. Learn how to do it in this post.
You can view your Ancestry DNA grouped by the ancestor that you share in common. Learn how to do it in this post.
Do you need help figuring out how Parent 1 and Parent 2 on Ancestry corresponds to your maternal and paternal sides of the family? In this post, find a few easy methods that can help you accomplish this.
Did you get the Egypt DNA region on your Ancestry results? In this post, learn more about this DNA region, and how to trace your Egyptian ancestors. Egyptian immigrants to the United States and Canada have had an outsized contribution to their local economies and are typically very highly educated. In fact, these individuals are …
Do you have DNA results from more than one company? You have likely noticed that they are different, and in this post you will learn why.
If you look at your Ancestry DNA match list, you probably see some matches are labeled “Unassigned”. In this post, find out exactly what this means.
Did you get 1% matching a region on your DNA results? In this post, learn how many generations back 1% DNA might be in your family tree.
Do your Y-DNA matches have a different surname than you do? In this post, learn why this happens and how common it is.
What does it mean if you have an X DNA match, but share no autosomal genes? In this post, find out whether these are true genetic relatives, and how to determine your relationship.
Do you have a 100% DNA match on your Ancestry results? In this post, learn what it means to match someone at 100% and how to understand these results.
Did your Ancestry DNA results get updated in August 2022? If so, you will definitely want to read this in-depth explanation of what changed in our ethnicity estimate results with this latest update. If you are new to AncestryDNA, you might not know that your results will occasionally change as the science and technology improves. …