Gedmatch and Ancestry DNA: Can They Be Used Together?
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA and Gedmatch can can be used together. In this post, find out exactly how to do it and what you can learn from both.
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA and Gedmatch can can be used together. In this post, find out exactly how to do it and what you can learn from both.
Are you or someone you know thinking about taking a DNA test? In this post, learn the top five reasons to take a DNA test to learn more about your ancestry.
Have you noticed the DNA Discoveries on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find them, what they are, and how they can help you learn about your ancestors.
Here, find out what it means to share DNA across segments. Plus, explore what each DNA segment means, and if the number of shared DNA segments matters.
If you've used the Gedmatch admixture tools, you've seen EHG or WHG on your results. Learn what this stands for and how you got this ancient DNA.
Did you do your DNA with My Heritage? In this post, learn how to understand your DNA matches, find out how you are related, and more!
Do you want to know how much DNA you share with an aunt or uncle? In this post, learn about the DNA shared with aunts and uncles.
Do you want to know what the Leeds Method is? In this post, learn about the origins of this method and how the Leeds Method can help you learn more about your family using your DNA matches. You can use the Leeds Method if you: I'm excited to write about the Leeds Method on this …
Do DNA tests for ancestry really work? They do, and it is one of the most exciting ways to learn about your family's history. Learn more in this article!
Do you ever wonder if you are really related to all of your DNA matches? In other words, is it possible to share DNA and not be truly related?
Did you know you can link DNA matches to your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, learn how and why you should take advantage of this new feature. ==
What does Native American on your 23andMe results mean? Learn more about your results, and discover how to find your indigenous ancestor in your family tree.
Want to know what it means to have an X DNA match on Family Tree DNA? Here, learn the answer, plus how to figure out how your X DNA match is related.
If you've used the Gedmatch One-to-One Comparison tool, you;ve seen total half-match segments (HIR). Here, find out what this means for your DNA match.
Do you want to know how much DNA siblings share? Here, you'll learn the answer, including the percent DNA and centimorgans shared between half-siblings.
Want to learn how to hide a DNA match on Ancestry? Here, I'll show you steps to hide a DNA match, plus how to see matches that you have already hidden.
Do you want to know a great way to keep your research about DNA matches organized? In this post, learn about my DNA Match Organizer Journal.
Do you want to know how many DNA segments first cousins share? Here, I'll show you some examples and discuss shared DNA segments between first cousins.
Do you want to know how much DNA siblings share? In this post, learn the percentage and centimorgans of DNA shared between siblings, and more!
Do you want to know reasons to send your DNA matches message? In this post, I will give you six excellent reasons to contact your DNA matches.
Are you interested in learning how to test your DNA? Here, learn how to test your DNA, beginning with the basics - including how to choose a DNA test.
23andMe results come with access to lots of great tools. In this post, learn how accurate the 23andMe Family Tree tool is, and how to help make it more accurate. Understanding the accuracy of this feature and how to work with it to make it give you better information is key to learning as much …
Are you wondering how to use the My Heritage Chromosome Browser tool? In this post, I'll show you how, as well as how to understand the results.
Do you want to learn how to use Family Tree DNA? In this post, you will find a detailed Family Tree DNA Tutorial for beginners to help you get the most from your DNA results. This tutorial includes step-by-step instructions, images, and examples. My goal is to help you learn as much as you can …
Are you wondering how to use Ancestry DNA results? In this post, I will explain how to get the most of each element of your Ancestry results.
Have you heard that law enforcement catches criminals using genealogy combined with DNA? In this post, read more about DNA privacy and law enforcement.
Want to know the difference between fully and half-identical DNA regions? Here,you will learn the definition of these two terms and learn the difference.
Did you do a DNA test with 23andMe? In this post, learn all about how to read your 23andMe DNA results. You will also find out: What you can learn from your 23andMe results Whether your results are accurate How to find family trees on 23andMe How to print and download your results 23andMe offers …
Are you looking for a DNA centimorgan chart? In this post, find the best one out there so far. I'll explain how to use and understand the chart, too!
Want to know how DNA matches can help us learn about our ancestors? How is it possible that living relatives can provide insights into distant ancestors?
Have you heard of an ethnicity estimate? Got one in your DNA results? This post will help you understand what an ethnicity estimate means, and more!
How to find your Ancestry DNA matches? If you already took an Ancestry DNA test, finding your matches is as easy as following these instructions.
Got Basque on your DNA results? Are you interested in learning more about genetics of the Basque region? Here, we'll explore the origins of Basque DNA.
Did you know that 23andMe has beta features? Here, find what you can learn from beta, plus how to start or stop participating in the 23andMe beta program.
Want to know if DNA matches will be the same for siblings? If siblings have different DNA matches, what does it mean? Learn the answers to these questions!
Do you want to know what Family Matching on Living DNA is? In this post, I'll answer this question and help you explore your Living DNA match list.
If you've seen your DNA matches on Ancestry, have you noticed a blue dot next to some of your matches? Here, learn what the blue dot is on Ancestry DNA.
Do you think you a false DNA match? Want to know how common false DNA matches are? Here, learn how commonly this occurs and how to spot false DNA matches.
Do you want to know what a DNA match is? In this post, learn the answer, how they get your DNA matches, and find out which DNA matching sites are the best.
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA matches in other countries will show up on your results? Does Ancestry DNA work internationally? In this post, find the answer to these questions - and more! Finding relatives in other countries in one of the best aspects of DNA testing. I have found and communicated with …
Want to know how to download 23andMe DNA relatives? In this post, I will show you how to download your whole list of DNA matches into a spreadsheet.
Do you want to know if its possible for a 23andMe test to fail, and what happens if it does? In this post, learn the answer to these questions - and more!