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Best Gedmatch Calculator for African American Ancestry

If you are looking for the best Gedmatch calculator for African-American ancestry, you have come to the right place. In this post, learn which admixture calculator and model to use that best matches your unique DNA. If you have African ancestry and you aren't from the United States, or if you don't identify as African-American …

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How to Understand People Who Match One-or Both of Two Kits Results

If you have been using Gedmatch for a while, there is a good chance that you have seen the "People Who Match One-or-Both of Two Kits" tool.  At first glance, the results of this tool can be confusing, and in this post, I'll explain how to use the tool and how to understand the results. …

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Phasing DNA Matches on Gedmatch: Paternal and Maternal Matches

Are you looking for an easy way to figure out if your DNA matches are on your paternal or maternal side?  If one of your parents has done a DNA test, and you have access to the results, you can using the Phasing tool on Gedmatch to separate them by maternal and paternal lines.  This …

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How to Protect the Privacy of Living Relatives on Your Gedmatch Gedcom

If you have ever uploaded a Gedcom to Gedmatch, or are considering doing so, you might be wondering if there is an easy way to mark your living relatives as private from within Gedmatch.  As it turns out, there is not currently a way to do so once you have uploaded your Gedcom to the …

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What is a Low Confidence Region: Ancestry DNA

If you've already done your Ancestry DNA test, you most likely see a section called a "Low Confidence Region" that is listed just below your major ethnicities.  Many people automatically assume that because it says "Low Confidence" that is isn't accurate.  The reality is that sometimes it isn't accurate, and sometimes it is.  That's why …

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