How to Use the Gedmatch Segment Search
Do you want to know how to use the Gedmatch Matching Segment Search tool? Learn how this tool can help you learn more about your DNA and family tree.
Do you want to know how to use the Gedmatch Matching Segment Search tool? Learn how this tool can help you learn more about your DNA and family tree.
In this article, I will help you understand One-to-Many results on Gedmatch. By the time you are done, you will feel comfortable reading your results.
If you are new to DNA testing, you might have heard of Gedmatch. Learn exactly how and why Gedmatch is different from sites like AncestryDNA and 23andMe.
What is Gedmatch? It's the best free website finding new DNA matches and analyzing your DNA. Find out what you can easily learn on Gedmatch in this post.
Did you see Neolithic DNA on your Gedmatch results? In this post, find out why you have DNA from the New Stone Age in your admixture results.
Want to know how to read the Gedmatch results for the "Are Your Parents Related" tool? Learn how to use the tool and understand the results here.
The MDLP Project on Gedmatch provides ancestry estimates. In this article, learn the basics about MDLP, differences between the models, and how to learn more.
Do you want to know what MRCA means on Gedmatch? In this post, learn exactly what MRCA means, as well as how to use this information to understand your connection to your DNA matches. The term MRCA is most often found on the Gedmatch Autosomal One-to-One Comparison Tool. This is a very useful tool that …
Do you want to know what overlap means on Gedmatch results? In this post, learn all about overlap, including low overlap and overlap cutoff.
Do you want to know how to delete your DNA data from Gedmatch? If you want to know the easy steps to follow, you will find them here. In addition, you will also learn whether Gedmatch stores your actual DNA. If you have a family tree (GEDCOM) on the site, you will see how to …
Have you used the Find Common Ancestors (MRCA) From DNA Matches tool on Gedmatch? In this post, learn how to use the tool and what the results mean.
Have you tried out Gedmatch? One of the most popular tools on the site is the One-to-Many Comparison where you receive a long list of DNA matches. Who are these people and what is your connection to them? In this post, I'll give you some different strategies to help you determine how you and your …
Want to know how half-siblings show up on Gedmatch? Find out how half-siblings match on the site, and how to know if a match is a full or half-sibling.
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA and Gedmatch can can be used together. In this post, find out exactly how to do it and what you can learn from both.
If you are looking for the best Gedmatch calculator for African-American ancestry, you have come to the right place. In this post, learn which admixture calculator and model to use that best matches your unique DNA. If you have African ancestry and you aren't from the United States, or if you don't identify as African-American …
If you've used the Gedmatch admixture tools, you've seen EHG or WHG on your results. Learn what this stands for and how you got this ancient DNA.
If you've used Gedmatch, you need to know what the largest segment means. Here, you will learn what it is and how to understand and use this information.
If you've used the Gedmatch One-to-One Comparison tool, you;ve seen total half-match segments (HIR). Here, find out what this means for your DNA match.
Do you want to learn how to transfer Ancestry DNA to Gedmatch? It's free, easy, and the steps in this post will show you exactly how to do it.
Ready to learn how to use Gedmatch? It's easier than you think - let me help you. Read this helpful tutorial for beginners to get started today.
Wondering if there are groups of family historians all researching the same thing? Learn what the Gedmatch Ancestor Projects are and how they can help.
Have you seen the Gedmatch 3-D Chromosome Browser? Want to learn how to use it? In this post, I'll walk you through how to use the browser step-by-step.
Do you want to know which Gedmatch Admixture to use? In this post, you will learn how to choose which admixture calculator will work best for your unique ancestry, as well as how to choose the calculator model. I highly recommend taking advantage of the Gedmatch Admixture tool in order to learn how to use …
Want to know how to use the Gedmatch One to One comparison tool? It's a very useful tool and I'll teach you how to use it to understand more about your DNA.
Have you noticed an icon of a police bade on the same line of your name under your DNA resources? What does the Police Badge icon mean on Gedmatch?
Have you seen the Tier 1 tools on Gedmatch? Here, I'll explain what Tier 1 on Gedmatch is, and help you understand what you can learn from the Tier 1 tools.
Do you want to know how to to get started with Gedmatch? Read more to get the information you need to use amazing DNA tools on Gedmatch.
Done several DNA tests and think that you won't find new DNA matches? Too hard to use a new site. Find out why it's worthwhile to upload to Gedmatch Genesis.
Have you heard of Gedmatch? If you have, you might wonder why you should upload your DNA to the site to use the available tools. In other words, why should you use Gedmatch? In this post, I will outline the top ten reasons that people use Gedmatch. I enjoy using the site, and I feel …
If you have been using Gedmatch for a while, there is a good chance that you have seen the "People Who Match One-or-Both of Two Kits" tool. At first glance, the results of this tool can be confusing, and in this post, I'll explain how to use the tool and how to understand the results. …
If you have uploaded your DNA to Gedmatch, you might feel overwhelmed and confused with all of the different tools available. Here, find beginner tips for getting started on Gedmatch. You will learn the best way to use Gedmatch, even if you are brand-new to the site. It is an amazing website, and you will …
Are you looking for an easy way to figure out if your DNA matches are on your paternal or maternal side? If one of your parents has done a DNA test, and you have access to the results, you can using the Phasing tool on Gedmatch to separate them by maternal and paternal lines. This …
If you have ever uploaded a Gedcom to Gedmatch, or are considering doing so, you might be wondering if there is an easy way to mark your living relatives as private from within Gedmatch. As it turns out, there is not currently a way to do so once you have uploaded your Gedcom to the …
Are you ready to learn how to upload your family tree to Gedmatch? Uploading your family tree to Gedmatch can help you and others learn more from the site!
Why should you upload your family tree to Gedmatch? In this post, find the benefits of putting your tree on Gedmatch, both for you and the other people who use the site.
Have you heard of Gedmatch? Are you wondering what you can learn from it, what it can do for you, and how to use it? In this post, you'll find the most common Gedmatch frequently asked questions. What is Gedmatch? Gedmatch is a free website where you can upload your DNA and have access to …
Do you want to learn how to use Gedmatch? Check out this free step-by-step guide to learning the basics of Gedmatch. Find new DNA matches and DNA tools!
Want to know what the Gedmatch One to One comparison tool can tell you? This is an easy-to-read explanation about how to understand the results!
Do you want to know how to upload DNA to Gedmatch? Learn the easiest way to do it in this post, and start using the helpful tools on the site immediately!
If you've already done your Ancestry DNA test, you most likely see a section called a "Low Confidence Region" that is listed just below your major ethnicities. Many people automatically assume that because it says "Low Confidence" that is isn't accurate. The reality is that sometimes it isn't accurate, and sometimes it is. That's why …