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9 Ways to Connect With the Culture of Your Ancestors

Are you interested in putting your knowledge of your family history to use to connect with your ancestors' culture? In this post, find several ways to expand your connection with the cultures your ancestors called their own. If you have read other articles on my website, then you know that most of the information on …

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30 New Year's Resolutions Ideas for the Genealogist

It's that time of year again: time to decide what your resolutions for the new year will be. In this post, find over 30 ideas for New Year's resolutions for the genealogist and family historian. One of my favorite things to do on New Year's Day is enjoying a warm cup of coffee and writing …

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Want to Connect With Your Ancestors? Eat Something.

What better what to feel a connection with your ancestors than through a beautiful homage to their culture in the form of food?  Plus, it's a great way to help family members, especially kids, become interested in their family tree and their heritage. If we are being honest, family tree research can be dry and …

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Could a DNA Test Tell Us if Elizabeth Warren is Native American?

Have you heard all the fuss about Elizabeth Warren claiming to have Native American ancestry? Many of her defenders and detractors have suggested - even demanded - that she take a DNA test, but she has refused.  Whether or not you agree with her politics or not, she's made the right decision by refusing to …

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Surprise Discoveries on the US Federal Census

What's the craziest thing you have ever seen on an old census record?  US Federal Census records are filled with seemingly dry, boring entries documenting family size, head of household, and employment statistics for people living all over the country.  If you look closely (and sometimes read between the lines) you might find something hilarious, …

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What is Gene Heritage?

Gene Heritage was a company that used your existing DNA test to determine if you inherited certain genes from your parents that influence whether or not you display particular characteristics.  The company is no longer operating. Some of the genes/alleles that they checked for were lactose intolerance, taste sensitivities, eye color, how well you might …

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Does the Ancestry DNA Test Show Neanderthal?

Scientists say that everyone who lives outside of Africa in modern times has at least a tiny percentage of Neanderthal DNA.  Have you ever wondered how much you have, if any?  This article will explain whether Ancestry DNA will show your Neanderthal roots. The Neanderthals lived in Europe and Asia, and when humans arrived out …

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