Will My DNA Match My Siblings?
Are you wondering if your DNA will match your siblings? In this post, learn whether your siblings have the same DNA as you do, how much you share, and more.
Are you wondering if your DNA will match your siblings? In this post, learn whether your siblings have the same DNA as you do, how much you share, and more.
Many families from Ireland followed Irish naming patterns. Learn how to understand your Irish ancestors’ naming traditions here!
What is a distant cousin? In this post, learn all about distant cousins, including whether they are considered to be family, and more.
Your ancestors might have filed an Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit. Here, learn when these were required, and how to access and use them for genealogy.
Have you heard of endogamy or seen signs of it in your family tree? In this post, learn the definition of endogamy and why most people have it in their family tree.
If you are new to DNA testing, you might have heard of Gedmatch. Learn exactly how and why Gedmatch is different from sites like AncestryDNA and 23andMe.
Do you want to know what 23andMe results look like? In this post, see two examples of 23andMe results from two people with completely different backgrounds.
Have you recently discovered that you might be a descendant of Charlemagne? Is there a way to find out for sure? Find out in this post!
Do you want to know how far back you can go with DNA? Here, find out how far back each type of DNA test can really take you.
Have your Ancestry DNA results changed lately? Learn which new Genetic Communities have been added, and how to find out if your results have updated.