How to Find DNA Matches on Ancestry
How to find your Ancestry DNA matches? If you already took an Ancestry DNA test, finding your matches is as easy as following these instructions.
How to find your Ancestry DNA matches? If you already took an Ancestry DNA test, finding your matches is as easy as following these instructions.
If you've seen your DNA matches on Ancestry, have you noticed a blue dot next to some of your matches? Here, learn what the blue dot is on Ancestry DNA.
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA matches in other countries will show up on your results? Does Ancestry DNA work internationally? In this post, find the answer to these questions - and more! Finding relatives in other countries in one of the best aspects of DNA testing. I have found and communicated with …
In this post, you'll learn what Indigenous Americas on Ancestry DNA is, as well as how you may have inherited this region. Plus, find out how to trace your indigenous ancestry. Whether you got 1%, 10% or 100% Indigenous Americas DNA on your Ancestry DNA results, you are in excellent company. There are more than …
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA will show relatives on your results? Find the answer, plus whether Ancestry can show siblings and how matching works.
In this post, learn who should do an Ancestry DNA test, and which family members can help you learn something new about your family tree.
Have you seen your DNA Timeline on Ancestry DNA? It can help you better understand of your family's DNA ancestry. I'll teach you how to use it in this post.
Want to learn more about your DNA Story on Ancestry DNA? Learn how each part of your DNA Story works together to help you learn about your family's origins.
Frustrated because you have lots of Ancestry DNA matches with no trees? I'll show you what to do to learn about your DNA match with no tree. Read more!
Have you seen the Ancestry DNA ThruLines feature? It the most powerful family research tools available. In this post, I'll explain what you can learn from it
Got the Ivory Coast Ghana region on Ancestry DNA? Learn more about how you might have inherited the region, and how to trace your Ivory Coast Ghana ancestry.
Ancestry DNA will get you tons of DNA matches, which is incredible. Here, you'll learn how to filter and sort Ancestry DNA match list for best results.
Along with an updated DNA match list, Ancestry DNA now features ThruLines. ThruLines is a tool to learn more about your family tree from your DNA matches.
This beginning tutorial for Ancestry DNA results will help you understand the basics and get the most from your DNA, including DNA matches and DNA story.
Did you get Cameroon, Congo and Southern Bantu Peoples in your Ancestry DNA results? If so, you can count yourself in excellent company. Millions of people with African roots living in North and South America will find a genetic heritage in the Cameroon, Congo, and Southern Bantu DNA region. In this post, you'll learn: Where …
I'm really excited because today I just got the 23 and Me kits in the mail that I ordered for my parents. This is a really big deal for me because I have been wanted them to do tests for a really long time, and we are finally doing it! Both of my parents have …
As you might know, Ancestry periodically updates their customers ethnicity estimates. Every single Ancestry DNA customer can log in to their account and see a completely updated estimate based on the latest technology and scientific developments. I often hear from my readers that these newly updated ethnicity estimates are confusing. So, if you are confused …
If you already did your DNA with Ancestry, you have probably already explored through the basics of your DNA results. You've seen your ethnicity estimate and your DNA matches, but do you want to use Ancestry DNA like an expert? In this post, I'll explain the top tips to learn as much as possible from …
Did you find the Baltic State ethnicity region in your Ancestry DNA results? Were you surprised, or were you expecting it? In this post, I'll discuss the location of this ethnicity region, how you might have inherited this particular ethnicity region, and how to get started tracing your Baltic States ancestors. From a personal standpoint, …
Have you been examining your Ancestry DNA results since they went through the major 2018 update? You are not alone! Many people find themselves confused, frustrated, excited, or even sad and angry about the major changes their results have undergone. To some people, their ethnicity estimate is confirmation of their identity - especially when it …
Have you checked your Ancestry DNA results lately? If you have, you might have noticed that they have gone through a very big change. In this post, I will help you learn how to explore your newly updated Ancestry DNA results. The 2018 Ancestry DNA update offers us a more nuanced insight into our ancestry, …
The moment that we have all been waiting for has finally arrived! Ancestry DNA has officially rolled out the biggest update to its ethnicity estimates since the company began offering DNA testing. In this post, I'll share details about the update as well as discuss how the latest Ancestry DNA update can help us learn …
Do you want to know whether Ancestry DNA can help someone find their birth parents? In this post, find out exactly how it could help, as well as some of the limitations of DNA testing that are relevant to people who were adopted.
Are you wondering if there are any downsides to the Ancestry DNA test? In this post, I'll talk about some of the cons of an Ancestry DNA test - including whether or not those mysterious ethnicity estimates are as accurate as we would hope they could be. There were definitely some aspects of our testing …
Are you trying to decide if you would like to do a DNA test with Ancestry? Here, find an honest, complete review of Ancestry DNA's testing service.
Want to know how half-siblings show up on Ancestry DNA? I'll show you how to find out if your match is a half-sibling and so much more! Read more now!
Are you wondering what you can see on Ancestry DNA without paying a monthly subscription?
If you did a DNA test with Ancestry, you might be surprised to know that you can use your Ancestry DNA on other sites. In fact, this is a really great way to get maximum value for your investment, and for you to learn as much as you possibly can from your DNA. There are …
Did you know that you can compare your ethnicity with that of your DNA matches on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to do this in order to learn more from your DNA results. In this post, I will explain how to access the ethnicity comparison between you and any given DNA match and what …
In this post, I am going to tell you ten things to look for in your Ancestry DNA results. Once you've read through this list, you'll know what to do next.
What are 4th cousin matches on Ancestry DNA? If you did Ancestry DNA, and want to make sense of you DNA match list, read this post to learn more!
If you are anything like me, you like to research something before you commit to doing it, and so I definitely understand why you want to learn as much about Ancestry DNA before you decide to take the test. While the questions my readers tend to ask me range from concerns about privacy to how …
Today, I was thrilled to read an e-mail from a reader who was contemplating taking a DNA test. I always love to hear from you guys, and of course, I love to talk about DNA testing. When I was responding to the e-mail, I started thinking about all of the amazing things that I have …
In this post, you will learn how to find shared matches on Ancestry DNA, what a shared match is, what it means when you share a match with someone, and how to use the information to get the most from your DNA results. The "Shared Matches" feature is one of the most helpful features available …
If you are exploring your ethnicity results on Ancestry DNA, you might wonder what those little numbers are next to all of the ethnicities on their list. In this post, I'll explain to you what those numbers mean, and how to know which ones apply to you and your ethnicities. Which numbers am I talking …
If you just got your ethnicity results back from Ancestry DNA, you might be curious to learn more about the European Jewish DNA ethnicity. Even though it's fairly common for this to show up when someone has European ancestry, you might want to learn more. In this post, I will explain what the European Jewish …
If you are Mexican, or have Mexican roots, you might be wondering what Mexican Ancestry DNA results look like? Or if you already got your results back, maybe you want to compare yours to some other people from Mexico to get an idea whether yours fit in. What you will learn in this post is …
If you got your Ancestry DNA results back, and they show you something that you weren't expecting to see, you might have some lots of questions about the test. For example, you might want to know : Is it possible that my Ancestry DNA results are wrong? How accurate is the Ancestry DNA test? How …
Have a Close Family match on Ancestry DNA? How are they related to you? Could it be a mistake? Read here for answers to these questions and more!
If you just got your Ancestry DNA results back, you might be wondering what you should do now. In this post, I'll talk about some of the easiest and most common things you can do next. Everyone does a DNA test for different reasons, so whether you are looking for new family members, or just …
There are many people who do the Ancestry DNA test that never realize that their test results come with a long list of DNA matches. This article will help you understand your Ancestry DNA matches. Some who see the match list feel like it is overwhelming, and they don't know where to get started on …