Do you want to know more about how to understand your Ancestry DNA results? These posts are all for users of Ancestry DNA and for those who are interested in learning what you can learn from Ancestry DNA results.
Did you know that there is a way to automatically add a DNA match to your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find and use this helpful tool! This tool, called the "Add DNA Match to Tree" tool, is a feature that launched around the beginning of 2025. Anyone with an …
Have you heard of Ancestry Pro Tools? In this post, you will learn what these tools are and how you can best use them to help with your family tree and DNA match research.
If you logged into your Ancestry account, yet can't see the DNA results you were expecting to see? In this post, learn the reasons why this might have happened, and what to do about it.
Ancestry DNA released the 2023 Ethnicity Estimate update in September. In this post, learn about how this update is different and what to look for on your own updated DNA results.
Do you need help figuring out how Parent 1 and Parent 2 on Ancestry corresponds to your maternal and paternal sides of the family? In this post, find a few easy methods that can help you accomplish this.
Did you get the Egypt DNA region on your Ancestry results? In this post, learn more about this DNA region, and how to trace your Egyptian ancestors. Egyptian immigrants to the United States and Canada have had an outsized contribution to their local economies and are typically very highly educated. In fact, these individuals are …
Did your Ancestry DNA results get updated in August 2022? If so, you will definitely want to read this in-depth explanation of what changed in our ethnicity estimate results with this latest update. If you are new to AncestryDNA, you might not know that your results will occasionally change as the science and technology improves. …
Do you want to learn how to use and understand the Ancestry Chromosome Painter feature? In this post, find tips for how to get the most from this new tool.
The AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter feature is an exciting, useful new tool that can help us learn more from our DNA results. Learn details about how to find and use this feature in this easy-to-read article.
Many people who test with Ancestry DNA will receive DNA Communities in their ethnicity estimate. In this post, learn how to understand the communities that show up on your results.
Have you seen your Ancestry SideView Ethnicity Inheritance results yet? In this post, learn how to understand the ethnicity breakdown by parent, and learn more from your DNA results. You will discover: How to know which is Parent 1 and Parent 2 What to do if you have an unknown parent How accurate the percentage …
SideVew is an exciting new feature of AncestryDNA results that uses technology and data available only to those who have tested their DNA with Ancestry. In this post, learn what you can discover with your SideView results. I am really very excited about SideView because it helps answer questions that so many DNA testers have …
Did you get the Aegean Islands in your AncestryDNA results? In this post, learn how to understand this region in your ethnicity estimate, learn how you may have inherited it, and how to trace your Aegean Island ancestors.
Wondered whether it is possible to cluster your DNA matches on Ancestry? Learn how to easily group your matches into clusters to identify common ancestors.
On your Ancestry DNA match list, you might have seen "Public Linked Tree". Find out exactly what this means, and how to access your match's family tree.
Do you want to know what a starred match on Ancestry is? In this post, learn what they are and how to use the starred matches feature. It might be odd to see a star next to a match, especially if you don't know how it got there or who put it there. Of course, …
Can you upload Ancestry DNA to 23andMe? In this post, find out why you can't transfer your raw Ancestry data to 23andMe, and what you should do instead.
Want to know what 4th-6th cousin means on your Ancestry DNA match list? Here, find out the answer, and how to figure out how these cousins are related.
Can Ancestry DNA tell you who your father is? Learn whether, how, and when your Ancestry DNA results can help you learn the identity of a biological father.
In this post, I'll show you the easiest way to share Ancestry DNA results with friends or family, as well as make changes to your DNA Results Sharing list.
Do you want to know where you can buy Ancestry DNA? In this post, learn the answer, as well as whether you can buy it in stores, or as a gift for someone else. Purchasing your Ancestry DNA test is the first step to a fascinating journey. Whether you want to discover biological relatives, find …
Have you seen % Shared DNA on your Ancestry match list? In this post, learn what percent shared DNA means, and how to use this information to figure out your connection with your DNA matches. The percentage of shared DNA showing up on the Ancestry DNA match list is a new feature for 2020. I'm …
Is it possible to use Ancestry DNA without taking a test? In this post, learn how to use Ancestry DNA to access the results of family members that have given you access. If you have not done an Ancestry DNA test, yet have family members who have, you might wonder if it's possible for you …
In this post, find out the differences between weighted and unweighted shared DNA, how this information is calculated and how to use it in researching your connection to your DNA matches.
Did you get DNA matching the Scotland ethnicity region on Ancestry DNA? In this post, find out what it means to have Scottish DNA, how you inherited DNA from this region, and how to trace it. The addition of Scotland to the Ancestry DNA roster of ethnicity regions is very exciting. It's the first time …
Learn what it means to have DNA from this region, how you might have inherited it, and how to find your Northern Italian ancestors in your family tree.
Find out here why your ethnicity estimate changed based on the latest research, how to know if it is up-to-date, and whether it's more accurate post-update.
Are you wondering if 23andMe and Ancestry DNA are the same? While they are similar tests, they offer different results. Learn which test is best for you.
Did you know that you now can see the size of the longest segment shared with your DNA matches on Ancestry? Here, how to find and use this information.
Big changes to your Ancestry DNA match list? Have less DNA matches than before? Learn what type of changes happened in your match list and how to proceed.
Do you want to know what Common Ancestor Hints are on Ancestry DNA? Here, I'll explain to you exactly what these hints are, how to access them, and more.
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA and Gedmatch can can be used together. In this post, find out exactly how to do it and what you can learn from both.
Have you noticed the DNA Discoveries on Ancestry? In this post, learn how to find them, what they are, and how they can help you learn about your ancestors.
Want to learn how to hide a DNA match on Ancestry? Here, I'll show you steps to hide a DNA match, plus how to see matches that you have already hidden.