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posts about genealogical terms

What is a Cousin Once Removed in Genealogy?

In this post, you will learn the meaning of a cousin once-removed in genealogy, whether it's a first, second, third cousin once-removed. You will be able to use the information that you learn in this article to figure out your degree of cousin-ness to even more distant cousins, too. Cousin relationships are complicated! First cousins, …

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What is a First-Cousin Once-Removed?

 In this post, we will discuss the meaning of "first cousin once-removed". Plus, learn how to figure out how many degrees removed you are from your cousins, and see examples of cousins-removed. In some families, cousins are just cousins.  In genealogy, however, we like to get specific since the exact nature of a cousin relationship …

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What is a Third Cousin Once-Removed?

If you are doing family tree research, you might stumble upon some unfamiliar terms.  Cousins removed - what in the world?  In this post, you will learn what a third cousin once-removed is, how many third cousins once-removed you might have, along with the best way to locate your third cousins. What is the definition …

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What is a double fourth cousin? How much DNA do they share?

What is a double-fourth cousin, and how are they related? Do double-fourth cousins share more DNA with each other than they would otherwise? In this post, I'll explain the meaning of a double-fourth cousin, show you an example of my own double-fourth cousin, and talk about how this "double" relationship affects the amount of DNA …

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