What is Phasing in DNA Results?
Has anyone ever suggested that you phase your DNA? In this post, learn what phasing is in DNA results, and how you can use this technique to learn more from your DNA matches.
Has anyone ever suggested that you phase your DNA? In this post, learn what phasing is in DNA results, and how you can use this technique to learn more from your DNA matches.
Many people find chromosome browsers and ethnicity painting to be mysterious. In this post, learn what these two tools are, and how they are different. These tools are not as mysterious as they seem. As soon as you learn the basics, you will be able to use them to learn even more from your DNA …
Do you want to know if 23andMe is more accurate than Ancestry? For those wanting to choose the best DNA test and learn the most from their results, this is an important question.
Do you want to learn about how much DNA comes from each of your parents? In this post, find out how much of your DNA comes from mom and dad, and whether one of them gave you more than the other. Questions like these come up all of the time, especially when a daughter looks …
Do you want to learn how to use and understand the Ancestry Chromosome Painter feature? In this post, find tips for how to get the most from this new tool.
The AncestryDNA Chromosome Painter feature is an exciting, useful new tool that can help us learn more from our DNA results. Learn details about how to find and use this feature in this easy-to-read article.
Many people who test with Ancestry DNA will receive DNA Communities in their ethnicity estimate. In this post, learn how to understand the communities that show up on your results.
Did you know that a genetic family tree isn't the same as your regular family tree? In this post, learn the definition of a genetic family tree, and more. You will also find out: Plus, you'll also find out whether or not all of your living relatives and ancestors are on your genetic tree. Exactly …
Do you want to know what an SNP is in DNA results? In this post, learn all about these variations in our DNA, and how they are used to help us learn about our ancestry.
Have you seen your Ancestry SideView Ethnicity Inheritance results yet? In this post, learn how to understand the ethnicity breakdown by parent, and learn more from your DNA results. You will discover: How to know which is Parent 1 and Parent 2 What to do if you have an unknown parent How accurate the percentage …
SideVew is an exciting new feature of AncestryDNA results that uses technology and data available only to those who have tested their DNA with Ancestry. In this post, learn what you can discover with your SideView results. I am really very excited about SideView because it helps answer questions that so many DNA testers have …
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to be 100% of an ethnicity on your DNA results? In this post, learn whether it is possible to show DNA matching 100% to a particular region of the world.
Do you want to know what the Bengal DNA Ethnicity Region on Ancestry is? In this post, learn about this region and how you may have inherited it from your ancestors.
Got the Arabian Peninsula region in your Ancestry results? Learn where this region is located, how you inherited it, and how to trace your Arabian DNA.
Got the Sardinia DNA region on your Ancestry results? Here, learn where this region is, how you inherited it, and how to trace your Sardinia ancestry.
Got the Levant DNA region on your Ancestry results? Even if you are brand-new to DNA results, you will learn how to understand this region in this post.
Did you get the Aegean Islands in your AncestryDNA results? In this post, learn how to understand this region in your ethnicity estimate, learn how you may have inherited it, and how to trace your Aegean Island ancestors.
Do you want to know if you can get DNA from hair for the purpose of autosomal DNA testing? In this post, learn the answer, how to do it, and what you might be able to learn from the results.
Do you want to know more about shared DNA segments on MyHeritage? In this post, learn exactly what those small, purple lines stand for, and how to use them in your family tree research.
Do you wonder why your DNA results are different from your parents? In this post, learn all about how and why our results are different from our mother and father's results.
Have you wondered if females can trace their paternal line? Females do have options for learning where their direct-line paternal ancestors came from.
In this article, I will help you understand One-to-Many results on Gedmatch. By the time you are done, you will feel comfortable reading your results.
Want to know what to expect from 23andMe results if you have origins in Mexico? Learn how Mexican ancestry shows up on 23andMe, and see examples.
Do you want to know how much DNA you share with your grandparents? In this post, learn all about shared DNA between you and your four grandparents.
Do you want to know what the Balkans DNA ethnicity is? Find out where the Balkans are located, which countries are included in this region, and more. Plus, if you don't have known ancestors from the Balkans region, you will also learn how you might have inherited DNA from this part of the world. I …
Are you wondering if your DNA will match your siblings? In this post, learn whether your siblings have the same DNA as you do, how much you share, and more.
If you are new to DNA testing, you might have heard of Gedmatch. Learn exactly how and why Gedmatch is different from sites like AncestryDNA and 23andMe.
Do you want to know what 23andMe results look like? In this post, see two examples of 23andMe results from two people with completely different backgrounds.
Do you want to know how far back you can go with DNA? Here, find out how far back each type of DNA test can really take you.
Have your Ancestry DNA results changed lately? Learn which new Genetic Communities have been added, and how to find out if your results have updated.
What is Gedmatch? It's the best free website finding new DNA matches and analyzing your DNA. Find out what you can easily learn on Gedmatch in this post.
Why do you have thousands of DNA matches? Here, learn why you have so many people on your DNA match list, and how likely it is that they are all related.
MyHeritage has an easy tool to automatically cluster your DNA matches. Learn how to access and use the tool, as well as understand your autocluster results.
Wondered whether it is possible to cluster your DNA matches on Ancestry? Learn how to easily group your matches into clusters to identify common ancestors.
On your Ancestry DNA match list, you might have seen "Public Linked Tree". Find out exactly what this means, and how to access your match's family tree.
Have you seen relatives in the Extended Family match category on Ancestry DNA? In this post, learn how these individuals might be related to you.
Do you want to know how to use the What Are the Odds Tool in DNA Painter? In this post, learn how to use this tool to find out how someone might fit into your family tree. In order to explain how the tool works, how to use it, and what you can learn from …
Do you want to know who Mitochondrial Eve was, and what she really stands for? Here, learn about her and why the theory mt-Eve is important to us today.
Do you want to know what a starred match on Ancestry is? In this post, learn what they are and how to use the starred matches feature. It might be odd to see a star next to a match, especially if you don't know how it got there or who put it there. Of course, …
Can you upload Ancestry DNA to 23andMe? In this post, find out why you can't transfer your raw Ancestry data to 23andMe, and what you should do instead.
Family Tree DNA has updated their MyOrigins results to Version 3.0. Here, learn why your FTDNA results changed and how to understand these results.
Have you seen the Relatives in Common featured on 23andMe? As the name suggests, these are relatives that you share with your DNA relative.