Use DNA to Explore Your Cultural Heritage
Can you use your DNA results to explore your cultural heritage? And if you can, should you? The answer to both of these questions is a firm “yes”.
Can you use your DNA results to explore your cultural heritage? And if you can, should you? The answer to both of these questions is a firm “yes”.
In this post, I’ll help you understand the basics of the “predicted relationship” on Ancestry DNA. You will learn what the term means and how to use this information. Whether you are just starting out learning how to understand your DNA match list, or you have a specific DNA match in mind that you’d like …
Do you want to know how to delete your DNA data from Gedmatch? If you want to know the easy steps to follow, you will find them here. In addition, you will also learn whether Gedmatch stores your actual DNA. If you have a family tree (GEDCOM) on the site, you will see how to …
In this post, we will discuss the meaning of “first cousin once-removed”. Plus, learn how to figure out how many degrees removed you are from your cousins, and see examples of cousins-removed. In some families, cousins are just cousins. In genealogy, however, we like to get specific since the exact nature of a cousin relationship …
Ethnicity estimates are the most popular feature of DNA tests, yet also the most misunderstood. Here, you will learn the truth about a few of the top myths about ethnicity estimates. The increased popularity of DNA testing has inspired people who don’t really know very much about the topic to chime in with their own …
Did you get the Spain DNA region on your Ancestry ethnicity estimate? In this post, you’ll learn where this region is located, how you may have inherited it, as well as how to start tracing it in your family tree. Whether you are surprised to see DNA from Spain in your results, or you were …
Ever lose track of time doing genealogy? I will give you some tips on how to keep your family tree research moving forward and have good time management.
Are you wondering how much DNA you would share with a grandchild? Is it a set amount, or could it vary? What’s the percentage of DNA that we share with our grandchildren? Do grandchildren always show up on DNA tests? How much of our ethnicity regions should they share with us? I’ll answer all of …
Did you get DNA matching the Scotland ethnicity region on Ancestry DNA? In this post, find out what it means to have Scottish DNA, how you inherited DNA from this region, and how to trace it. The addition of Scotland to the Ancestry DNA roster of ethnicity regions is very exciting. It’s the first time …
Learn what it means to have DNA from this region, how you might have inherited it, and how to find your Northern Italian ancestors in your family tree.