What is an SNP in DNA Results?
Do you want to know what an SNP is in DNA results? In this post, learn all about these variations in our DNA, and how they are used to help us learn about our ancestry.
Do you want to know what an SNP is in DNA results? In this post, learn all about these variations in our DNA, and how they are used to help us learn about our ancestry.
Have you seen your Ancestry SideView Ethnicity Inheritance results yet? In this post, learn how to understand the ethnicity breakdown by parent, and learn more from your DNA results. You will discover: How to know which is Parent 1 and Parent 2 What to do if you have an unknown parent How accurate the percentage …
SideVew is an exciting new feature of AncestryDNA results that uses technology and data available only to those who have tested their DNA with Ancestry. In this post, learn what you can discover with your SideView results. I am really very excited about SideView because it helps answer questions that so many DNA testers have …
Heard of the Ancestry Stories feature? This tool allows you to create custom stories about your ancestors to add to your family tree and share with relatives.
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to be 100% of an ethnicity on your DNA results? In this post, learn whether it is possible to show DNA matching 100% to a particular region of the world.
Google Earth is a powerful tool that we can use for genealogy. Learn how to use it to learn more about your ancestors and share your research with others.
Do you want to know what types of cousins there are? In this post, learn everything that you need to know about all kinds of cousins.
Do you want to know what the Bengal DNA Ethnicity Region on Ancestry is? In this post, learn about this region and how you may have inherited it from your ancestors.
Do you want to learn how to delete someone from your family tree on Ancestry? In this post, find the steps you need to take and what to look out for when you remove a profile from your tree.
If you have spent time doing family tree research looking at census records, you will want to know what “enumeration district” means. Find out the answer, as well as how to find district maps, in this post.