Is There a Difference Between Genealogy and Family History?
Genealogy and family history are basically the same, right? Not at all! Here, learn five important differences between family history and genealogy.
Genealogy and family history are basically the same, right? Not at all! Here, learn five important differences between family history and genealogy.
If you’ve used the Gedmatch admixture tools, you’ve seen EHG or WHG on your results. Learn what this stands for and how you got this ancient DNA.
Did you do your DNA with My Heritage? In this post, learn how to understand your DNA matches, find out how you are related, and more!
Do you want to know which ancestry sites are free? In this post, find out about free places to find genealogy records and build your family tree online.
If you’ve used Gedmatch, you need to know what the largest segment means. Here, you will learn what it is and how to understand and use this information.
What is family history indexing? In this post, learn the answer, as well as find out about different types of indexing projects, and how to get involved.
Want to know how to understand pedigree collapse? Here, find the definition, see examples, and learn how to find it in our family trees.
Do you want to know how much DNA you share with an aunt or uncle? In this post, learn about the DNA shared with aunts and uncles.
Do you want to know how to use Ancestry without a subscription? How much can you do on Ancestry for free? Here, learn the answer to these questions!
Do you want to know if the trees that you build on Ancestry are private? In this post, find out who can see your tree – and more!