What is a Public Linked Tree on Ancestry DNA?
On your Ancestry DNA match list, you might have seen “Public Linked Tree”. Find out exactly what this means, and how to access your match’s family tree.
On your Ancestry DNA match list, you might have seen “Public Linked Tree”. Find out exactly what this means, and how to access your match’s family tree.
Do you want to know what a starred match on Ancestry is? In this post, learn what they are and how to use the starred matches feature. It might be odd to see a star next to a match, especially if you don’t know how it got there or who put it there. Of course, …
Can you upload Ancestry DNA to 23andMe? In this post, find out why you can’t transfer your raw Ancestry data to 23andMe, and what you should do instead.
Want to know what 4th-6th cousin means on your Ancestry DNA match list? Here, find out the answer, and how to figure out how these cousins are related.
Is it possible to link your Ancestry DNA results to someone else’s tree? Yes, it is – and you can learn exactly how to do it in this article.
Can Ancestry DNA tell you who your father is? Learn whether, how, and when your Ancestry DNA results can help you learn the identity of a biological father.
In this post, I’ll show you the easiest way to share Ancestry DNA results with friends or family, as well as make changes to your DNA Results Sharing list.
Do you want to know where you can buy Ancestry DNA? In this post, learn the answer, as well as whether you can buy it in stores, or as a gift for someone else. Purchasing your Ancestry DNA test is the first step to a fascinating journey. Whether you want to discover biological relatives, find …
Have you seen % Shared DNA on your Ancestry match list? In this post, learn what percent shared DNA means, and how to use this information to figure out your connection with your DNA matches. The percentage of shared DNA showing up on the Ancestry DNA match list is a new feature for 2020. I’m …
Is it possible to use Ancestry DNA without taking a test? In this post, learn how to use Ancestry DNA to access the results of family members that have given you access. If you have not done an Ancestry DNA test, yet have family members who have, you might wonder if it’s possible for you …