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Category_ Iberian Peninsula

What is the Spain Ethnicity Region on Ancestry DNA?

Did you get the Spain DNA region on your Ancestry ethnicity estimate? In this post, you'll learn where this region is located, how you may have inherited it, as well as how to start tracing it in your family tree. Whether you are surprised to see DNA from Spain in your results, or you were …

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What Happened to My Iberian Peninsula DNA?

Did your Iberian Peninsula DNA region completely disappear from your ethnicity estimate after the Ancestry DNA September 2018 update?  If this happened to you, you are not alone.  In this post, I'll explain a little bit about why Iberian Peninsula might have been removed from your list, and what it may have been replaced with. …

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Does Iberian Peninsula Mean Native American?

Many people are puzzled when they get their Ancestry DNA, 23 and Me, or Family Tree DNA results back and see that they have a percentage of Iberian.  A question that sometimes comes to mind, especially because of some misinformation that has been spreading online, is whether or not having Iberian ethnicity also means that …

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Is Iberian Plus Native American Hispanic?

Ethnicity estimates are a fascinating aspect of DNA testing, and sometimes people are surprised by what they see, and it becomes very important to explain the findings.  If you have Iberian and Native American in your ethnicity results, you might be wondering if the simple explanation is that you have Hispanic or Latino ancestry.  In …

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Iberian Peninsula People: a DNA Perspective

Modern humans have been living in the Iberian Peninsula for many thousands of years.  Before modern humans, the peninsula was inhabited for hundreds of thousands of years by other species of hominids.  This all leads to a rich history that can get kind of complicated to understand completely.  In this post, we'll discuss the Iberian …

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