What is An Ethnicity Estimate?
What is an ethnicity estimate? How do they get your ethnicity estimate? Is it accurate? How is ethnicity passed down? Learn this, and more!
What is an ethnicity estimate? How do they get your ethnicity estimate? Is it accurate? How is ethnicity passed down? Learn this, and more!
What is a half-cousin? A half-first cousin? You’ve come to the right place to find all types of half-cousins explained, as well as a half-cousin chart.
What is the Ireland and Scotland DNA ethnicity on Ancestry? You’ve come to the right place to learn more about this fascinating DNA region.
Did you get the Norway DNA ethnicity in your Ancestry DNA results? If you did, you are likely among the more than five million people living in North America that are part of the Norwegian diaspora. Whether or not you were expecting to find Norway in your DNA results, or it came as a surprise, …
One of the first things that we do when we are researching a DNA match is check the matches that we share in common. This strategy can help us figure out if our match is on our maternal or paternal lines. But what does it mean when a DNA match doesn’t appear to be related …
Are you interested in learning how to use your DNA to find out the identity of your biological grandparents? No matter how old you are, or whether or not you believe your grandparents to be living, it’s possible to use your DNA results to determine who they were. If you are interested in family tree …
I’m really excited because today I just got the 23 and Me kits in the mail that I ordered for my parents. This is a really big deal for me because I have been wanted them to do tests for a really long time, and we are finally doing it! Both of my parents have …
Have you ever wondered what the Family Tree DNA Chromosome Browser is and how it can help you? In this post, I will explain how to use this very cool tool, and what type of helpful information you can learn, and how it can be useful for your family tree research. FTDNA has recently released …
Ethnicity estimates are easy to print out, summarize, and share – what’s not to love about them? We know they are popular and sought after, but what can we learn from our ethnicity estimates? One of the most popular aspects of DNA testing is the ethnicity estimate, which is also referred to as “ancestry composition” …
Have you just started experimenting with the Gedmatch X One-to-One tool? The results can sometimes be confusing! What does it mean to share X DNA with someone, and what does it mean when you don’t? In this post, I’ll help you understand your Gedmatch X One-to-One Results so you can add a full understanding of …