Ancestry DNA Matches with No Trees?
Frustrated because you have lots of Ancestry DNA matches with no trees? I’ll show you what to do to learn about your DNA match with no tree. Read more!
Frustrated because you have lots of Ancestry DNA matches with no trees? I’ll show you what to do to learn about your DNA match with no tree. Read more!
Have you seen the Ancestry DNA ThruLines feature? It the most powerful family research tools available. In this post, I’ll explain what you can learn from it
If you’ve just gotten your DNA results back, you’ve seen your list of DNA matches. What should you do with your DNA matches? What could you do? Read more!
It is very possible, and actually quite common, to have many DNA matches with whom you share no DNA match in common. Here, find out how this happens – and more.
Which Star Wars people would show up on Luke Skywalker’s DNA match list? Would he be a match to Owen and Beru Lars? What about DNA shared with Darth Vader?
Ever wondered how to do a cultural heritage interview? Want to know cultural heritage interview questions that you could ask your relatives who immigrated?
Are you considering DNA testing for ancestry? In this post, find an organized to-do list that will take you through the process from choosing your test to understanding your DNA results. Taking a genetic DNA test is one of the most exciting, informative, and powerful things you can do to learn about your ancestry. I …
Want to know what a haplogroup is? Wondering why a haplogroup is important, and how knowing your haplogroups can help you learn about your family? Read now!
Got the Ivory Coast Ghana region on Ancestry DNA? Learn more about how you might have inherited the region, and how to trace your Ivory Coast Ghana ancestry.
Did you just get your DNA results back? What should you do now? In this post, learn the first things you should do after you get your DNA results.