What Does Total Half-Match Segments (HIR) Mean on Gedmatch?
If you’ve used the Gedmatch One-to-One Comparison tool, you;ve seen total half-match segments (HIR). Here, find out what this means for your DNA match.
If you’ve used the Gedmatch One-to-One Comparison tool, you;ve seen total half-match segments (HIR). Here, find out what this means for your DNA match.
Do you want to know how much DNA siblings share? Here, you’ll learn the answer, including the percent DNA and centimorgans shared between half-siblings.
Your ancestor had parents – there is no doubt about that, but how do you figure out who they were? Here, learn tips on how to find your ancestor’s parents.
Do you want to know if an app can tell your ethnicity based on a photo? The answer is no, it can’t. You’ll learn the reasons why in this post. It is easy to understand why we are tempted to want to be able to upload a photograph and learn about our ancestry. These days, …
Curious about how to to find someone’s grave? Graves can be a useful genealogy tool – here find free places to look online for your ancestor’s grave site.
Want to learn how to hide a DNA match on Ancestry? Here, I’ll show you steps to hide a DNA match, plus how to see matches that you have already hidden.
Do you want to know a great way to keep your research about DNA matches organized? In this post, learn about my DNA Match Organizer Journal.
Do you want to know how many DNA segments first cousins share? Here, I’ll show you some examples and discuss shared DNA segments between first cousins.
Do you want to know how much DNA siblings share? In this post, learn the percentage and centimorgans of DNA shared between siblings, and more!
Do you want to know reasons to send your DNA matches message? In this post, I will give you six excellent reasons to contact your DNA matches.