What is a Fifth Cousin?
Want to know the definition of a fifth cousin? Learn all about how fifth cousins are related, the common ancestors they share, and how many you might have.
Want to know the definition of a fifth cousin? Learn all about how fifth cousins are related, the common ancestors they share, and how many you might have.
Have you used the Find Common Ancestors (MRCA) From DNA Matches tool on Gedmatch? In this post, learn how to use the tool and what the results mean.
Big changes to your Ancestry DNA match list? Have less DNA matches than before? Learn what type of changes happened in your match list and how to proceed.
Do you want to know how much DNA, in centimorgans and percentages, you share with a parent? In this post, learn the answer, plus much more! Everyone was born with two parents, and it is very interesting learn more about the genetic connection to these very important individuals. After all, without them we would not …
Do you want to know what a first cousin is? In this post, find the definition of first cousin and exactly how a first cousin is related to you.
Have you tried out Gedmatch? One of the most popular tools on the site is the One-to-Many Comparison where you receive a long list of DNA matches. Who are these people and what is your connection to them? In this post, I’ll give you some different strategies to help you determine how you and your …
How big is Ancestry’s database? Find out, plus learn why a database this size can help you learn more about your ancestors if you want to do a DNA test.
Did you get 2% of a region on your DNA results? Learn how you may have inherited this region, how far back to look for your ancestor, and how to trace it.
If you have Mexican ancestors, you may be wondering what a DNA test can tell you, and whether or not it can help you trace your family tree. In this post, learn what a DNA test can reveal, how it can help you trace your Mexican roots, and even how to find free Mexican family …
Want to know how half-siblings show up on Gedmatch? Find out how half-siblings match on the site, and how to know if a match is a full or half-sibling.