Ancestry DNA Matches with No Trees?
Frustrated because you have lots of Ancestry DNA matches with no trees? I’ll show you what to do to learn about your DNA match with no tree. Read more!
Frustrated because you have lots of Ancestry DNA matches with no trees? I’ll show you what to do to learn about your DNA match with no tree. Read more!
Have you seen the Ancestry DNA ThruLines feature? It the most powerful family research tools available. In this post, I’ll explain what you can learn from it
Got the Ivory Coast Ghana region on Ancestry DNA? Learn more about how you might have inherited the region, and how to trace your Ivory Coast Ghana ancestry.
Ancestry DNA will get you tons of DNA matches, which is incredible. Here, you’ll learn how to filter and sort Ancestry DNA match list for best results.
Along with an updated DNA match list, Ancestry DNA now features ThruLines. ThruLines is a tool to learn more about your family tree from your DNA matches.
This beginning tutorial for Ancestry DNA results will help you understand the basics and get the most from your DNA, including DNA matches and DNA story.
Did you get Cameroon, Congo and Southern Bantu Peoples in your Ancestry DNA results? If so, you can count yourself in excellent company. Millions of people with African roots living in North and South America will find a genetic heritage in the Cameroon, Congo, and Southern Bantu DNA region. In this post, you’ll learn: Where …
I’m really excited because today I just got the 23 and Me kits in the mail that I ordered for my parents. This is a really big deal for me because I have been wanted them to do tests for a really long time, and we are finally doing it! Both of my parents have …
As you might know, Ancestry periodically updates their customers ethnicity estimates. Every single Ancestry DNA customer can log in to their account and see a completely updated estimate based on the latest technology and scientific developments. I often hear from my readers that these newly updated ethnicity estimates are confusing. So, if you are confused …
If you already did your DNA with Ancestry, you have probably already explored through the basics of your DNA results. You’ve seen your ethnicity estimate and your DNA matches, but do you want to use Ancestry DNA like an expert? In this post, I’ll explain the top tips to learn as much as possible from …