What Happens When a 23andMe Test Fails?
Do you want to know if its possible for a 23andMe test to fail, and what happens if it does? In this post, learn the answer to these questions – and more!
Do you want to know if its possible for a 23andMe test to fail, and what happens if it does? In this post, learn the answer to these questions – and more!
In this post, you’ll learn what Indigenous Americas on Ancestry DNA is, as well as how you may have inherited this region. Plus, find out how to trace your indigenous ancestry. Whether you got 1%, 10% or 100% Indigenous Americas DNA on your Ancestry DNA results, you are in excellent company. There are more than …
Did your Ancestry results change in October of 2019? I’ll help you understand why and how your results changed. Plus, see an example of updated results.
Have you seen the Gedmatch 3-D Chromosome Browser? Want to learn how to use it? In this post, I’ll walk you through how to use the browser step-by-step.
Do you want to know which Gedmatch Admixture to use? In this post, you will learn how to choose which admixture calculator will work best for your unique ancestry, as well as how to choose the calculator model. I highly recommend taking advantage of the Gedmatch Admixture tool in order to learn how to use …
Do you want to understand what a half-identical DNA segment is? In this post, you’ll learn more about half-identical regions, as well as what it means when you share this type of segment with a match. As a bonus, you’ll also learn the difference between a half-identical and fully-identical segment, and how to identify each. …
Are you brand-new to the exciting hobby of genealogy? If you have just recently decided to start learning about your ancestors, this list of family tree research tips for beginners will save you time and money. Plus, following these tips will help you learn even more about your family tree. What’s not to love? In …
Does DNA get “washed out” over time? If it does, how does the process work? In this post, you will find the answers to these questions, plus: How many generations does DNA go back How much DNA you inherit from your ancestors Whether DNA can skip a generation On DNA discussion boards, I see the …
Will American Indian ancestry show up on a DNA test? In this post, find out if Native American DNA from your ancestors will show up on your DNA results.
The 23andMe Family Tree feature can help you visualize how you may be related to your DNA matches. In this post, learn how to use and understand this tool.