What Do the Percentages on My Ethnicity Estimate Mean?
If you have just gotten your DNA results back, you might have noticed that your ethnicity estimate is reported in percentages. Are you wondering what all of these percentages really mean?
If you have just gotten your DNA results back, you might have noticed that your ethnicity estimate is reported in percentages. Are you wondering what all of these percentages really mean?
Find out here why your ethnicity estimate changed based on the latest research, how to know if it is up-to-date, and whether it’s more accurate post-update.
Are you wondering what you should do while you are waiting for your DNA results to be ready? In this post, find a helpful list of things you can do while you wait – and they will also help you get the most from your DNA results once you get them. You took the big …
In this post, I’ll explain how to know whether your DNA match or known sibling is a full or half-sibling. Plus, I’ll tell you my perspective on what to do if you have discovered that you and your siblings are half-siblings. Do you have a new DNA match that looks like they might be a …
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Do you want to know why family history is important? Learn why the study of one’s family history crucial for understanding the past, present, and future.
Did you know that you now can see the size of the longest segment shared with your DNA matches on Ancestry? Here, how to find and use this information.
Do you want to learn how to use cluster or collateral genealogy? This research strategy can help you solve family tree mysteries and identify ancestors.