What does No Shared DNA Segments Found Mean?
Did you read NO shared DNA segments found when you compared your DNA with a relative on a chromosome browser? Read this to find out what it means!
Did you read NO shared DNA segments found when you compared your DNA with a relative on a chromosome browser? Read this to find out what it means!
Do you want to know how to look up your ancestors for free? In this post, I’ll teach you ways to find information about your ancestors without having to pay a subscription. It seems like every online records website wants to charge a hefty monthly fee. While some of those sites can be worth the …
Is it possible to share multiple false segments with the same match? In this post, we’ll discuss this question with real matches – and you’ll lfind out!
Do you want to know if Ancestry DNA will show relatives on your results? Find the answer, plus whether Ancestry can show siblings and how matching works.
Want to know how to get started in genealogy? Here, how to start your family tree research, including where to find records and where to build your tree.
Want to know how to use the Gedmatch One to One comparison tool? It’s a very useful tool and I’ll teach you how to use it to understand more about your DNA.
Have you noticed an icon of a police bade on the same line of your name under your DNA resources? What does the Police Badge icon mean on Gedmatch?
Want to know what genealogy records are? Learn the definition of genealogy records, as well as which are the best records to look for and where to find them
Do you want to learn more about ThruLines? In this post, learn whether Ancestry DNA ThruLines are accurate, and how to know whether yours are correct.
If two sisters bought DNA tests, their results would be different. In this post, learn why siblings can have results, and even different DNA matches.