How to Test Your DNA: Guide for Beginners
Are you interested in learning how to test your DNA? Here, learn how to test your DNA, beginning with the basics – including how to choose a DNA test.
Are you interested in learning how to test your DNA? Here, learn how to test your DNA, beginning with the basics – including how to choose a DNA test.
Want to know how to make your family tree into a website? Here, learn how to export your tree into web formats in order to share your research with others.
23andMe results come with access to lots of great tools. In this post, learn how accurate the 23andMe Family Tree tool is, and how to help make it more accurate. Understanding the accuracy of this feature and how to work with it to make it give you better information is key to learning as much …
Are you wondering how to use the My Heritage Chromosome Browser tool? In this post, I’ll show you how, as well as how to understand the results.
Have you heard of chromosome painting and want to know how to use DNA Painter? In this post, I’ll show you how with step-by-step instructions.
When we are stuck at home – for whatever reason – it helps to have a fulfilling hobby to get involved with. Fortunately, DNA for genealogy is perfect!
What are the Native American haplogroups seen in mtDNA or Y-DNA? Learn which haplogroups are considered to be Native American in this post.
Do you want to know how to take genealogy notes? Taking notes can save you time in the future and help keep your research focused. Learn more in this post!
Do you want to learn how to use Family Tree DNA? In this post, you will find a detailed Family Tree DNA Tutorial for beginners to help you get the most from your DNA results. This tutorial includes step-by-step instructions, images, and examples. My goal is to help you learn as much as you can …
Are you wondering how to use Ancestry DNA results? In this post, I will explain how to get the most of each element of your Ancestry results.