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How Much DNA do Half Cousins Share?

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If you are looking at your DNA results and trying to make sense of your DNA matches, you might find yourself wondering how much DNA half-cousins share.  Understanding how much DNA cousins typically share is key in knowing how many common ancestors you share, and can be very helpful in understanding your family tree. 

In this post, I will address the shared DNA between half-cousin relationships, focusing on half-first, half-second and half-third cousins, the closest of cousins.

How Much DNA do Half Cousins Share_

The basic rule of thumb for a half-cousin relationship is that it will be about "half" of the typical range of shared DNA, especially for a closer cousin relationship. 

A cousin who is more distant than a third cousin might not share DNA with you at all, whether they are a half-cousin or a full-cousin, so typical ranges of shared DNA are less useful for those more distant relationships.

The closer the cousin, the easier it is to tell whether or not your cousin is likely to be a half-first cousin based only on the amount of shared DNA.

What is a half-first cousin?

A half-first cousin is a person with whom you share only one grandparent.  Their parent is a half-sibling to one of your parents.

If your grandmother or grandfather had a child with someone who was not your other grandparent, then the children of their offspring will be your half-first cousins.

You will share DNA with 100% of your first cousins, whether or not they are half or full cousins.

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How much DNA should I share with a half-first cousin?

The amount of DNA shared with a half-first cousin falls between 215-650 cMs (centimorgans).  Any amount less than 515 cMs signifies an almost certain half-first cousin relationship, since the DNA shared between two full-first cousins should fall between 515-1300 cMs, approximately.

As you can see, there is a slight overlap in the range of DNA between full and half-first cousins.  If you share between 515-650 cMs with a first cousin, the only way to tell for sure whether you are full or half-first cousins would be to view close DNA matches that you have in common, or to know how much DNA your parents share. 

Close relatives, as well as first and second cousins are useful as shared matches in determining full or half-first cousin relationships, since we will always share DNA with relatives at this distance, if we are truly related to them.

Some people find out that they have half-first cousins accidentally, so I have an example here of how to use shared matches to figure things out in this case:

If my grandmother was unfaithful to my grandfather, then my half-first cousins (the children of my mother's theoretical half-sibling) would not share my grandfather's relatives as DNA matches. 

Specifically, my half-first cousins should not match my grandfather's first cousins, their children, or their grandchildren.

What is a half-second cousin?

A half-second cousin is a person with whom we share only one great-grandparent.  My mother and father both have several half-second cousins, since my mother's great-grandfather married her great-grandmother after his first wife passed, and my father's great-grandmother remarried after his great-grandfather passed.

You will always share DNA with a half-second cousin, though it is possible to share only a small amount of DNA with half-second cousin.

How much DNA should I share with a half-second cousin?

You can share as little as 30 cMs or as many as 215 cMs with a half-second cousin.   It's more diffificult to use only the amount of shared DNA with a second cousin to decide whether you are full or half-second cousins, since there is also an overlap in the ranges:

  • Full-second cousins:  75-360 cMs
  • Half-second cousins: 30-215 cMs

As you can see, if you share over 75 cMs and less than about 215 cMs with your second cousin, you cannot determine definitively whether you are full or half-second cousins, since this amount would fall in both ranges. 

You would again have to see either how much DNA your parents share with each other, gather more data points by having more of your second cousins do a test, or use shared DNA matches to gather more information.

What is a half-third cousin?

A half-third cousin is a cousin with whom you share only one great-great grandparent.  We all probably have numerous half-third cousins, but we won't be able to find all of them through DNA testing.  

The reason for this is because we will not share DNA with 10% of our full-third cousins, and the chance that we won't match a half-third cousin is even higher. 

If you have a known half-third cousin, and you share no DNA, then you cannot use only this information to decide whether or not you are truly related to each other.

How much DNA should I share with a half-third cousin?

Since there is a 10% chance that you share no DNA with a third-cousin the bottom end of the shared DNA range with a half-third cousin is zero, with a maximum of about 175 cMs.  

When you are dealing with third cousin relationships, shared matches are only generally useful in confirming a relationship, but cannot be used in determining that there is no relationship (either full or half) because there is always a chance that you share no DNA with a third cousin, even if you are truly related in a genealogical sense.

As an additional note about shared matches, it's important to know that the more distant the cousin, the more likely it is that any given shared DNA match is related to your cousin and to you in different ways. 

A full third cousin only shares 2 out of 16 great-great grandparents with you, and a half-third cousin only shares 1 out of 16 great-great grandparents. 

This means that they have thousands of DNA matches related to them in different ways, as do you, and there is always a chance that the shared matches are related to them on a different line of the family than you are, and related to you on a different line of your family than your third cousin. 

It might sound confusing if you are just starting off, but you'll get the hang of it!


I hope that this post helped you understand half-cousins and their DNA relationship to you a little better.  If you have any questions about something you read here, or would just like to share your experience with half-cousins on your DNA match list, I would love to hear from you in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Wednesday 5th of April 2023

My 1st cousin showed in my DNA match as a 2nd - 3rd cousin with 212cM and 3% shared dna. Our father’s are brothers. Could this mean that they are actually half brothers or not brothers at all.


Sunday 4th of September 2022

I have two people who share 220 cMs which suggests they are either 2nd cousins or half 2nd cousins. But they both share the same granparents which means they should be 1st or half 1st cousins. I am totally confused. Any thoughts please?


Tuesday 4th of April 2023

I think it was because of having a father like this that she chose (or let him choose her; actually she was manipulated into marriage with emotional blackmail of suicide threats) the kind of guy who would later sexually assault his own daughter (me).


Tuesday 4th of April 2023

@Terry B, wow!! I agree with your thoughts in all that. Just discovered two half cousins. Noting the resemblance of the looks to one to photos of great grandmother we determine which grandparent had the affair, or sexual assault etc. Half first cousin looks like great grandmother. So that grandparent had to be maternal grandfather, who I also note it was documented my grandmother divorced him for rape. It appears two pregnancies came from him that we never knew about. And that’s only of the people that signed up to DNA Ancestry. I mean, remember that they didn’t have contraception or abortion most likely and men were more entitled. So if they wanted sex there were illegitimate pregnancies, left, right and centre. My half first cousin was adopted as was her mother, the unknown daughter of our grandfather. She also looks like my mother and the three of us have a rare connective tissue disorder (EDS).

It’s incredible the multigenerational trauma that occurs. Half cousin being fostered out and a very traumatic childhood for me as well with mother being psychotic, we suspect my mother was molested as a baby, going by things she has said over decades. And she’s had many delusions around fathers, she created a fantasy father basically and was saying she was adopted and lived as a gypsy in childhood (not true and the DNA confirms it as well).

Terry B

Monday 3rd of October 2022


Close unknown people are a result of hanky panky. I have seen it several tiome and it aleways can be proven if people are not angry about the past. The child is the unwanted victim. Could have been a tryst or assault. That usually is an uncle/aunt who has a affair, or even a grandparent with a younger man/woman. Guys never get pregnant and show, so usually them Unless the woman is married and gets away with it as my grandmother did child #6

Christopher Robinson

Monday 15th of August 2022

I have done a DNA test because my mother never knew her father and never was told a name. I do not know how to even start. I do see alot of matches that are new to me. One near the top we share 299cm 4% shared DNA. Says close family. I would love to find my grandfather and the rest of my family

Judy Ratliff

Sunday 8th of May 2022

Hello , I came across a match with a woman , as half first cousin once removed , I understand the once removed . Her father Steve mother is possible a half sister to me .Can not get any DNA from Steve mother she is dead and STEVE will have nothing to do with it , as well as his uncle , which are 2 of them . They could be my half brothers . Trying to find away to prove the father of Steve mother and her two brothers is my father also . Is it possible to still find a way to provJudye a match without DNA . Thanks

Esther Baer

Friday 10th of September 2021

I have an unknown relative that comes up 609 across longest segment 85. I have two known first cousins one is 607 and one is 852. Are they all first cousins.

Terry B

Monday 3rd of October 2022

@Esther Baer, I have a simila match qty person showed up. Through records it turns out he is an unknown grandson of my deceased uncle. WW2 baby. Sailors on ships etc. The gobetween brother of the 'lady' was killed shortly after the S. California weekend of his last family visit. He took my uncle with him and the sparks flew with the sister, no emails or google then so they never contacted again. He was 19 and had just been married 5 months before after bootcamp- idiot. He would not have likely know an address or for sure she became pregnant. He was from NY

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