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DNA and Genealogy Printables and Downloads

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The following downloads and printable worksheets will help you get a solid start on your genealogy and DNA results research.

Each file is available at a small cost to you, and is automatically delivered to your e-mail box.

Ancestor Biographical Worksheet Printable Download

This four-page worksheet will help you compile the information that you need to learn about each ancestor. You can download this file and print out as many as you need, and store them in a binder.

This file is in a PDF format and is readable by a variety of software, so it's easy to view and print.

Price: $2.00


Family Member Interview Worksheet Printable Download

One of the most important steps we can take as family history researchers is interviewing our family members. This is an excellent way to document your family's history.

You can download this file and print as many copies as you need. It will make a great addition to your genealogy research binder or file folders.

Price: $2.00


DNA Testing To-Do List Printable Download

If you are interested in DNA testing, this To-Do list walks you through the steps you should take. From choosing a DNA testing company to building a family tree to help your results make more sense, this to-do list will help you.

It is delivered in a PDF format and has space for notes.

Price: $2.00


DNA Match Organizer Spreadsheet

This is a DNA Match Organizer in Excel file format. The spreadsheet will help you keep track of details that you have learned about your relationship to your DNA matches.

The spreadsheet is easy to use, and you only need the most basic Excel skills to use it.

You can use this spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (free online spreadsheet software). You can make multiple copies of this spreadsheet if you are working on DNA results for more than just yourself, like in cases when you are helping family members with their results.

Price: $2.00


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